This is an old revision of the document!
Table of Contents
Technical Description
Solution (under construction)
Clear separation between MapTool system and usage data
Add argument (option) parameters
- D, data-dir
- S, server
- ?, help
Implement help output (only English).
User file
Create & Read Preference file under MAPTOOL_DATADIR/config named
Note: If this is not update-save maybe an own DIR under the data folder or an own folder in parallel
- language
- country
- startup-server
- startup-campaign
- no-auto-update
- …
Do not overwrite cmdOptions values.
Implement language and country switch.
Get sure that data-dir is used.
Option on startup to start a server
- Check, if we can use already the original startup sequence, where the private server is created.
- Check, what additional parameters are needed (first only for one Server initialization variant)
Refactor: UI startup frame
- Separate user from system settings, users first
- Add new values
- Show environment values for memory, language, …
- Describe priority of places
- Describe cmdOptions
- Describe startup.prefs
- Describe usage of MapTool.cgf
- Describe keys for advanced options
Note: Who does the translations?
Implementation Decisions
Startup Sequence & Main Classes
The app starts with main in LaunchInstructions. To start the logging as early as possible, at that point the data-dir is already needed.
Most of the system runtime environment is handled in the AppUtil class, incl. the data-dir, the log-dir and OS specific things.
The cmd-options are used in the main method of the MapTool class, which is called near the end of the main of LaunchInstructions. To late for us.
AppUtil holds 2 different kinds of util methods, so it would make sense to separate that class into two, but I'm a newbie in MapTool development, so I will not do that now.
I decided to
- Let return values in the AppUtil class.
- Create App Properties to manage the properties for boolean and String, with (deprecated) references in the AppUtil. (Later easy to refactor in the rest of MapTool)
- Create CmdOptionProperties and StartUpProperties class to manage there values
- Rearrange the startup methods (& logs), so that the properties are initialized first, second the main directories (data & logs), then the logging and at last call MapTool.main().
UserJvmOptions Class
This class handles the options currently adjustable in the MapTool.cfg file.I guess set all other properties in this file should not be changed by a user.
This options can be seperated into 3 groups
- Real JVM Parameters
Can only be set during the call of the JVM engine and must be set outside the application (e.g. memory)
This can be handled only inside the cfg file or as java arguments (e.g. -X) during application call. - Internal Parameters
Parameters a user should only change, if he has problems (e.g. graphic engine). I guess most of them need a restart to make a change active.
To be on the save side, this should also handled only inside the cfg file or as java arguments (e.g. -X) during application call. - User Parameters
At least an advanced user want to have control over them (e.g. DATA_DIR, Language). Hard to change them after initialization, so also restart to make a change active.
This should be handled outside the cfg-file inside a file and/or cmdOptions. For downward compatibility an initial value can also be set in the cfg file or by -D java arguments.
The current UserJvmOptions is therefore a mix of JVM, library and application options and should be refactored. Since it has also a lot of methods to handle the cfg file values, I would at least recommend an renaming.
A first closer check shows that this class is mainly used in the PreferenceDialog, so it should be refactored, when the last part (Refactor UI startup frame) will be done.
Note: The definition of the DEFAULT_DATA_DIR is wrong, if the MAPTOOL_DATADIR is overwriten (in MapTool.cfg file or by cmdLineOptions)
Implementation Questions
Log vs.
When do you want just a log and when should there be a show popup?
Examples:"Start up properties file definition {} was set relative to the DataDir, so redefinition of the DataDir will be ignored!", AppProperties.getStartUpPropsFileNameOriginal()); </file> * <code>"{} not found. This can be ok, if it really does not exists.", AppProperties.getStartUpPropsFileName())
Naming Conventions
- Abbreviations: Where are they ok, where not e.g. usage of properties and props
Did not found any rules about testing.
Definitions of Done
For the definition of done (a pull request is allowed) it looks like the only request is the correct formatting of the code?
Found Bugs
cmdOption -r -> Exception
To the time the reset method is called, the 'jvmNodeConfiguration' is null. - Version 1.12.2
cmdOption -w is double defined
cmdOptions.addOption("m", "monitor", true, "sets which monitor to use"); ... cmdOptions.addOption("m", "macros", false, "display defined list of macro functions");
Since the last one works, I change m to g for graphical device (monitor).
cmdOptions.addOption("g", "monitor", true, "sets which monitor (graphical device) to use"); ... cmdOptions.addOption("m", "macros", false, "display defined list of macro functions");
Recommended Refactoring Issues
Things I feel very obscure, so I would suggest, that say should be refactored, removed or be adjusted a little.
I set to @Deprecated and add a @deprecated JavaDoc comment, where I thing, that they can be removed because say are not used or there exist an alternative implementation.
Some of them are just clean ups, where I let the old method, variable just to hold the first check in small.
I let them also as they are, because I do not know, if the main developers will integrate this issue. If not, I have to hold the changes up to date via merge and then a smaller impact is better.
AppUtil.getAppHome() vs AppUtil.getDataDir()
I do not care about AppHome or DataDir or maybe DataHome, but it should be named consistent. If we thing about that the subdir can be speeded in the future to 3 or more locations the hole thing lost his charm anyway.
But AppHome(subdir) is used very often (~33 times), so this will be hard work anyway.
AppUtil.getDataDirAppClfFile() & UserJvmOptions.copyConfigFile()
This is a helper function to copy the original maptool.cfg from the app directory into the 'DataHome/config' directory as a BACKUP. But it is not renamed and so a user does not now, that the file in the data directory is never used.
Conclusion: Rename the file to backup_from_currentDate&Time and write it into a backup directory.
The Example seems to be out of date.
Have not clean up the order of methods and variables.
Using MapTool.cfg during development
Its looks like the current cfg file is not generated during the normal build and it is not accessible from IntelliJ run/debug. Does somebody know, how a cfg file can be used during development?