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MapTool: Campaign API


I play a Rolemaster with many house rules and there is no 'ready to use' Campaign set for MapTool. I started to implement my necessary things in MapTool and so I had to implement macros in the domain specific MapTooll script anguage.
This language is clearly grown over the time and not very user friendly. Even RpTools knows, that this needs a new solution, heaving at least one open issue for it, but last update was 2020!. I thing, that this would be a god starting point for me to bring in my ideas and needs.

Of course, an API to the functions the macro language is using is just the starting point, but the most important one.

Current Solution

A very bad domain macro script language. In your defense, it is grown, old and very powerful!

Open & Closed Issues in RpTools

ToDo: Must be referenced.


Just an idea.

project/mt/cmpgapi/start.1680693500.txt.gz · Last modified: 2023/04/05 13:18 by snarfbur